Mobility & Pain Management APP

Programs to help fit in intentional daily movement to manage pain, feel and move better

As a Massage Therapist who works with clients to help manage chronic pain and improve movement quality, I’ve learned that having a good mobility practice is a BIG game changer to the outcome of how you feel, and how you will continue to feel as you grow older. As we age we feel like our body is no longer working for us. It can be discouraging and we can feel hopeless thinking we will no longer be able to do the things we love to do.

Luckily that is not the case at all. The human body is incredibly adaptable. With the right type of training we’re capable of amazing change.

The truth is, your mobility is your foundation. Having strong and capable joints is the structural foundation of our movement. Mobility training allows us to pursue other forms of training such as (weights, cardio, cycling etc) with greater performance, resiliency, and LONGEVITY. It is not sustainable to lift heavy weights and perform high intensity aerobic exercise when you continuously neglect mobility and Joint Health.

Here are some outcomes from doing the work consistently


  • Flexibility and Mobility

  • Athletic Performance

  • Body Control and Awareness


  • Joint Health

  • Muscular Imbalances

  • Longevity

  • Quality of Life 


  • Aches and Pains

  • Stiffness/Tightness

  • Knots and Muscle Tension

  • Movement Compensations 

Subscription Details:

  • $15.99 monthly USD

  • On-demand video library

  • Follow Along Videos

  • New mobility videos every week 

  • Interactive community with Q&A Forum

  • Cancel or pause your subscription anytime

  • Class options range from 10-45 minutes so there is ALWAYS a perfect fit for your schedule 

  • Mobility exercises for specific joints: Hips, Shoulders, Scapula, Knees, Spine (Neck/Thoracic/Lumbar), Ankles Etc.

  • Videos for self care at home (Foam Rolling, Trigger Point therapy, Stretching) 

  • Strength and Conditioning